Strengths Now® On-Demand Program for Women

Embrace What’s Next On-Demand Program for Women
Embrace What’s Next!
This is a program for women managing change. It’s that simple. Our popular “Embrace What’s Next” program can also be viewed on-demand. This simple, step-by-step program mirrors our 7-session cohort series but can be viewed at your speed and at your convenience. This transformational program provides an intentional curriculum for women to discover their strengths to gain confidence and create an actionable plan to move forward.
Are you…
- At a turning point with a new opportunity for change?
- Seeking a promotion or preparing for a job change?
- Heading to retirement?
- Starting a new business?
- Jumping back into work after time away?
- Unsure of your next steps or feeling stuck?
- In the midst of change in your personal life?

Making bold changes? We can help!
Included in the Program
This program provides an intentional and dynamic curriculum for women to discover their strengths, transition to new beginnings and get more of what they want.
Content Modules:
Session 1 - Discovering Your Strengths
Session 2 - Defining Your Personal Brand
Session 3 - Transitioning to New Beginnings
Session 4 - Honoring Your Needs
Session 5 - Aiming Your Strengths
Session 6 - Decision Making & Moving Forward with Action
Included in the Program:
- Clifton Strengths Full 34 access code
- Numerous personalized strengths reports
- Six modules (12 videos) of content facilitated by Gallup-Strengths coaches
- Embrace What’s Next Workbook with homework, materials, videos and resources
- A guided meditation video link that corresponds with each module

Sign Up and Get Started!
Get More of What You Want, By Being More of Who You Are!
A note from Sara Regan, President at Strengths Now®
In my work coaching and facilitating workshops I began to recognize a pattern with many of our female clients. I met many smart, talented women who were getting recognized in their work and had solid reputations with pride in what they had been able to accomplish. But I also recognized many of them were questioning…questioning their confidence to advance and wondering if they were really ready. Or maybe feeling the pull towards something completely different - something that seemed almost too bold. And the women were having a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo.
I had lived that myself. Before I left my job to start this company, I was in a period of enormous searching. Had I not known my strengths, I don’t think I would have left. Knowing my strengths gave me that confidence to act. But what I didn’t have were the other elements of this program – knowing the steps to navigate a transition. Today, there is nothing more satisfying to me than seeing people live into who they truly are and author their own lives!